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Monthly Newsletter – June 2020

Hello All, hope everyone is staying safe and mentally strong while easing out of lockdown.

If you’re receiving this e-mail, you are at least one or two of the following: a friend, an-ex work colleague, a risk industry colleague, a client or ex-client, a business contact or a subscriber to GOAT and I want to welcome you all to our first monthly roundup newsletter.

Covid19 risk assessments and partnership with Shieldworks
Covid19 risk assessment

Where else would we start.  In case you missed it, we posted a blog on Covid19 risk assessments offering a slightly broader perspective beyond the immediate return to work, within this article, we also shared how GOAT has pivoted our offer to broaden our reach to make better risk management accessible and achievable to businesses of all sizes and sectors.

See Blog here

I take this opportunity to introduce Shieldworks who we are working closely with on Covid19 risk assessments.  They are a professional organisation determined to help people get back to work safely by offering high quality, value for money products and services.  I love how passionate this team is and how mindful they are about building trust.  They know there are businesses out there that are profiteering from the pandemic.  GOAT is proud to work with Shieldworks, if you need commercial grade masks, hand gels, screens and other products to re-open safely, reach out to them at  If you mention Danny @GOAT, I’m sure they will look after you.

Fundamentals of risk management
Risk culture - ETCHED

We’ve conducted extensive research on risk maturity and understand the status quo needs to be stretched, our risk registers and best practice techniques aren’t quite capturing the hearts and minds of business leaders.  GOAT offers subtle nuances, enhancements, shifting the focus on different aspects of risk that can give existing efforts a massive boost in engaging the Boardroom.  For instance, I use the above slide with all my clients asking all stakeholders to support ETCHED to achieve effective risk management.

This and other practical concepts are included in our Risk Management Fundamentals, this month we launched 3 new articles:

  1. Risk Management Fundamentals on a page to lay the foundations of what it involves
  2. Risk identification and risk universe on a page to help businesses get started with risk
  3. Risk appetite on a page for those slightly further along and wanting to find value from this technical and confusing concept.

See Fundamentals of Risk here

Combining data with risk management

It’s been a busy month for me as I also posted an opinion piece with my favourite risk publication: Strategic Risk.   It was a short piece encouraging risk leaders to embrace data combined with our traditional risk narrative which becomes powerful for decision making – Using data to deliver risk maturity   I feel strongly this is what’s going to make the biggest impact for our profession.

Need your help

I hope you’ve picked up some useful nuggets from this and the articles we’ve shared.  If you would like to be notified of these monthly newsletters, you are welcome to subscribe here and pass along to other contacts that you feel would benefit from this content.

Subscribe here

Of course we’re still in lockdown and there is so much uncertainty ahead, good risk management is more important than ever.  If you haven’t already done so, check out our software solution GOAT Risk, we designed it for non-risk experts because we know their engagement is essential to raise organisational risk management effectiveness.  The least it will do is to replace your excel based risk registers, speed up your risk update meetings and dramatically shorten your risk reporting time.  If you start introducing some of our ideas around problem solving, risk culture, data and decision making, we believe there is a pathway to evolving risk management into a truly valued and strategic decision making process.  Best part is there is a free trial and then GOAT Risk is available to you from less than a weekly cup of coffee!

Learn more about GOAT Risk here

If you would prefer not to receive these e-mails in the future, then let me know or email with the title UNSUBSCRIBE. We know you’re busy and it’s not personal.

Take care, stay safe and stay in touch

Scale risk with confidence